I started Mental Jukebox nearly three years ago at the beginning of the pandemic. During this time, I’ve discovered new music, rediscovered old favorites and I’ve met passionate music fans around the world. And when things opened up, I kept on blogging. This month, the jukebox goes deeper. The term “deep cut” has multiple meanings. It can refer to lesser known album tracks from well-known artists. It can also refer to tracks from lesser known artists. This month, I’ll be featuring both types. #DeepCutsFeb

I’m not a particularly huge fan of The B-52’s in general. The band’s bigger hits (“Rock Lobster”, “Planet Claire”, “Love Shack”) are my least favorite tracks of theirs. When they come down-to-earth a bit and leave the party at home is where I think there’s interesting music to be discovered. On Cosmic Thing, this side to the band came to fruition with songs like “Roam”, “Topaz” and my deep cut pick, “Follow Your Bliss”.

I can see why many fans would almost consider this track to be a throwaway. But it was instantly one of my favorites. The musical equivalent of a change-up pitch, it gave the album a different tempo, timbre and demeanor to close out with. “Follow Your Bliss” is a slow, lazy, feel-good musical statement. Nothing more. It’s not trying to hype you up, but instead it lifts you up slowly but surely. It’s a track that’s easily forgotten, but I’ll take it over “Love Shack” any day of the week. It’s the essence of deep cut.