I started Mental Jukebox nearly three years ago at the beginning of the pandemic. During this time, I’ve discovered new music, rediscovered old favorites and I’ve met passionate music fans around the world. And when things opened up, I kept on blogging. This month, the jukebox goes deeper. The term “deep cut” has multiple meanings. It can refer to lesser known album tracks from well-known artists. It can also refer to tracks from lesser known artists. This month, I’ll be featuring both types. #DeepCutsFeb

Hailing from Montreal, The Barr Brothers are probably my favorite band from that region in Canada. I pick them ahead of Arcade Fire, Wolf Parade and anyone else primarily because I always felt that their music was more real. I felt this from the beginning. And I still felt it with their last studio output Queens of the Breakers which was released in 2017. It is an album that I love listening to from beginning to end, and I was able to hear the band perform many of the tracks at the Music Hall of Williamsburg, including the deep cut track “Hideous Glorious”.

It is glorious indeed, and far from hideous. The kind of song that simply comes alive when it’s played live. Many of the hallmarks of The Barr Brothers sound make their appearances on this track. Soaring harmonies. Atmospheric guitar lines. The occasional, understated guitar solo. And lyrics as human as human gets. Queens of the Breakers made a little noise in the indie rock scene with “Song That I Heard” and “You Would Have To Lose Your Mind”. But it’s the deep tracks like “Hideous Glorious” that I love best.

“Did you come here for the truth? Did you come here to tighten it down or turn it loose?”