"THESE ARE DAYS" 10,000 MANIACS (1992)

One of the most powerful things about music is that it is the soundtrack of our lives. Fellow music fanatic Sharon Hepworth started a music challenge on Twitter for the month of July. Each day, fans around the world will select a song from their life and describe what it means to us. These are my songs. #SoundtrackToYourLife

Day 24

Well, I certainly can’t share the soundtrack of my life without covering our wedding day. 10,000 Maniacs’ “These Are Days” is one of the most uplifting songs I’ve heard both recorded and live. I knew its beautiful, energetic sense of optimism had to appear at some point during our wedding. My wife Carol and I chose to include it in the ceremony as the recessional music. Well, I chose it, and she agreed. While my wife did some planning solo, and we did a ton of the prep together, the music selections were almost all mine.

“These Are Days” hails from my second favorite 10,000 Maniacs album. In My Tribe is tops in my book, but Our Time In Eden isn’t far behind in second place. The album sounds like a band that still has its sense of humbleness still intact. But it also sounds like a band that’s confident in its evolution. I love all the songs, but “These Are Days” is the one that stirs my emotions the most. Natalie Merchant sings with a sense of bewilderment. Buck – who co-wrote the song with Merchant – along with Drew, Gustafson and Augustyniak, ooze with merriment and wonder, each contributing signature instrumental elements to one of my favorite 10,000 Maniacs anthems.

“It's true that you are touched by something that will grow and bloom in you.”