This month, I’m jumping into the #APlaceInTheSong challenge from @JukeboxJohnny2. Great songs have that special ability to describe places in a way that makes us feel like we’re right there. Each day, I’ll pick a track that I think accomplishes that feat.

One of my favorite Prince songs from one of my favorite albums of his. Around The World In A Day doesn’t get the same accolades as Purple Rain, 1999 and Sign ‘o the Times. But it’s an album that has a lot of nostalgic significance for me. 1985, in general, was a banner year for album releases. So, for me, Around The World In A Day, will always be associated with that rich era. Many of the songs on the album – even the singles – were daring and experimental. It’s the Prince way. Case in point: “Paisley Park”.

The song didn’t chart in the States, and I think it’s because the masses couldn’t appreciate what Prince did here. A true pioneer of rock-driven pop, Prince didn’t let the guitar drown out the rest of the noise, but he picked his spots with flourishes and jams where his axe can make its presence felt. Still, the most underrated aspect of “Paisley Park” might just be Prince’s lead vocals. Few singers can give that melody the dynamism it needs to avoid a monotonous output, but Prince pulled it off. To no surprise.

“Admission is easy, just say you believe And come to this place in your heart. Paisley Park is in your heart.”