I’m not sure if there’s a band that I can claim as my favorite of all time, because the reality is I have a different favorite every day. This process of choosing one favorite over all others seems futile. But, for me, The Cure, is about as close as it gets. For me, their music is irreplaceable. There are things that I feel when I put on a Cure record that I can’t experience with anything else. For the month of June, I hope to share some of this as a I cover a different Cure song each day – counting down from #30 to #1. And, in this case, I have no qualms stating my #1. #30DaysofTheCure

U.S. original release: Pornography (1982) - Track 5

Ranking: 22

The album Pornography is widely considered to be among the band’s most influential recordings. It’s one of those albums whose admiration and appreciation seem to grow over time. Its legacy was obvious early on as one of the seminal recordings of gothic rock. But its influence extended well into the early 2000s with bands like Interpol and Editors. Pornography is also one of those albums that’s best suited for listening from start to finish. That said, “The Figurehead” is a standout for me from the album and the band’s catalog at large.

The weight of “The Figurehead” is nearly unbearable. Either it’s pulling you down with it – or it meets you down below where you already are. It’s no coincidence that the songs of Pornography – including this one – coincide with one of the band’s darkest periods, an era ridden with heavy drug use, in-fighting and Robert’s suicidal thoughts. Just as every circumstance surrounding the band felt unbearably heavy at the time this song was written and recorded, every element of the track seems to carry that same heaviness. The deathly drum march. The dense bass meanderings. The tormented, minor-chord musings of Smith’s guitar. And the overwhelming sense of finality echoing out of his mouth and mind.

“I can never say no to anyone but you.”